Those looking for shelter should call us at 10am daily at 303-534-5411 to inquire about bed availability and complete a brief phone screen.
A Safe Place To Stay
The Delores Project operates a strength-based, affirming community through shelter as an immediate response to homelessness, as well as supportive housing.
The Delores Project is a 24-7 low-barrier, extended-stay shelter for women, transgender, and nonbinary individuals. Guests staying in the shelter receive meals, access to hot showers, bus tickets, access to health services, toiletries, a clean bed, a phone for local calling, and housing-focused case management. Guests actively participate in shelter chores and our Guest Advisory Committee and are encouraged to foster a positive, safe, and hospitable environment at our shelter.
Guests actively participate in shelter chores and our Guest Advisory Committee and are encouraged to foster a positive, safe, and hospitable environment at our shelter. We provide on-site 1-on-1 counseling, group counseling, life skills programming, and wrap-around, housing-focused case management for all shelter guests. In addition, we provide up to 1 year of community-based aftercare for all guests who have transitioned into permanent housing. Guests are expected to meet with their Case Manager twice per month, must follow all Community Agreements, and are responsible for attending all mandatory Life Skill classes.
Please note - The Delores Project is NOT a safe house. We cannot provide shelter for those fleeing a violent situation. Please call the Mile High United Way Hotline at 211 for a list of safe houses.
Those looking for shelter should call us at 10am daily at 303-534-5411 to inquire about bed availability and complete a brief phone screen.
We do not accept any walk-ups. Beds are only assigned by phone at 10am each day.
We do not take referrals from case managers or other community providers.
We do not serve cisgender men, families with children, or anyone under the age of 18.
We are not a safehouse or domestic violence shelter and cannot serve individuals who are fleeing a dangerous or violent situation.
We are not able to hold or reserve beds for future days. Potential guests should call only if they are prepared to arrive that day.
The Delores Project does not require identification or other documentation for use of our services. The Delores Project will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, age over 40, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, military status or any other applicable status protected by state or local law in any of its activities or operations.